
Geertika Jeyaganesha Sathya Sai School Alumni
Geertika Jeyaganesha is a proud Sathya Sai School Alumni (Class of 2019), who graduated as Valedictorian. She is now in her final year of highschool, eager to achieve her professional goals while fostering the values she learnt. Geertika founded Nurtured Youth Community in August 2022 with an ignition to fight for social change. Nurtured Youth Community is an organization that bridges the gap between minors experiencing unsupportive relationships with parents/guardians and helpful resources to assist in supporting their situation.
Fuelled with an urge to help thousands in similar situations to her friend, Geertika began messaging industry professionals such as MD candidates, emotional coaches and therapists on Linkedin. Geertika’s mission is to connect minors to experts through free, accessible ZOOM meetings all over Canada because she believes nobody’s mental health should be left up to the question of their circumstance. Through relentless pursuit, persuasion and persistence, Geertika was able to secure a roster of professionals who joined her mission. She has successfully held numerous sessions with attendees all over Canada.
The SSEHV class in Sathya Sai School was the building block to Geertika’s journey to service. It left a lasting impact on her, acknowledging that one’s privilege should be used to help others and make an impact on the world. Geertika is grateful for the support provided by the Sathya Sai School community during her time there, as well as the core morals it has ingrained in her. During her service journey she constantly recalls Baba’s quote, “Start small, grow big” to stay determined. She says Sathya Sai School has opened her heart to an empathic approach. The values are something she always resorts to when making decisions, and serving others. Geertika believes this mentality is an important part of the development of all youth.
In October of 2022, her organization won the Grand OXY prize out of the top six changemaking organizations in Canada through a worldwide voting process. She has had five interviews with CBC and spoke on the “Be the Change” Podcast about how change ultimately requires effort. In February 2023, she had an interview for National Television at Sathya Sai School to come back to her roots and give thanks to where it all began. Service is the heart of Geertika’s work, and it will continue to be. To follow her journey, check out @nurturedyouthcommunity on Instagram and LinkedIn.

Sureka Selvakumaran M.Sc. PHD Candidate
The Sathya Sai School is unique in that it equally provides both quality of education and an environment where students can build strong character, based on the teaching of the Founder Chancellor of our school.
Our teachers provided us with a solid foundation of knowledge in all our subjects and helped us develop a strong work ethic. We were provided with unique opportunities such as the science fair, spelling bees, and speech competitions to push our comfort zones. In terms of extracurricular activities, my love for singing was nurtured during my involvement in the school choir and we had numerous platforms to showcase our abilities – at our school events, the Walk for Values, and even on TV.
Much beyond academics, the school was special in that it emphasized the importance of character education. The school has moulded me into the person I am today. It helped me have a strong sense of self from such a young age, and has provided me with the moral compass needed to navigate through life’s challenges. Most importantly, the introduction of service activities throughout my time at the school has nurtured our innate empathy, kindness and selflessness.
Whether it was our involvement in interacting with seniors at a senior home, participating in the Children Helping Children initiative, cleaning nearby parks and green space, and preparing food for individuals who experience homelessness, we were constantly reminded about how we can play a part in making a difference in the world.
The Sathya Sai School has inspired me
to make service the corner stone of my career
and all that I pursue in the future.
In order to truly reap all the benefits, the school has to offer, especially in terms of character education, a successful partnership between the school, teachers and parents must be present. I am grateful for my parents, and the school for taking interest in my character development as it has made me who I am today.

Sumithra Voora M.A. Communication & New Media
The Sathya Sai School creates an environment where students can pursue a quality education that is strongly rooted in core human values, and that’s what makes it one of a kind.
When it came to academics, our teachers ensured that we had a solid understanding of all subjects, and helped us maintain a good work ethic while managing multiple competing responsibilities. We were encouraged to apply what we were learning and had several experiential opportunities such as the annual science fair, spelling bees and public speaking competitions.
Even though I didn’t know it at the time, participating in these events, especially public speaking, nurtured my love for understanding and connecting with others while providing me with the confidence to take on every exciting opportunity and challenge life threw my way. Some of which include global entrepreneurship competitions, university scholarships, independent research grants and even running the warm up’s at our schools own event – the Walk for Values.
Beyond academics and developing hands on skills, what makes the school truly unique is the emphasis on character education. Being introduced to service at such a young age developed a strong sense of identity, but more importantly empathy and compassion for others. We were constantly encouraged to think about how our actions affected those around us, and more importantly how much of an impact we could make in the world.
The Sathya Sai School inspired and fueled my passion for my studies and research on education technology, and is the reason I am pursuing a career centered on meaningful educational experiences.
Thanks to the school, I can see what a tangible, and long-term impact character education can have, and I strive to incorporate the same values in everything I do – through my personal life, my studies, in my current role training university professors, and with my future goal of becoming a professor myself.

Arun Maharaj B.Com Business Technology Management Co-op (In Progress)
The Sathya Sai School has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. I joined the school in 2004 as a Junior Kindergarten student and graduated in 2012 as a Grade 6 student which was the highest grade at the time. I have continued to be a part of the school by volunteering throughout my middle school and high school education, for both in-school activities as well as events such as the Walk for Values. Now I am working with the school during my first co-op term as a student in Ryerson universities co-op program.
Throughout my time as both a student, volunteer and now employee of the school, I have been able to truly see how special and valuable is the environment and education that they provide. The focus on character education, the interaction between students and teachers, and the friendly and welcoming environment stand out to me as some of the aspects that truly differentiate the school from others.
“The End of Education is Character” is a motto that the school has lived by since its creation and can be seen in all its students and alumni. I truly believe that I owe some of who I am and my personal character to my time with the school.
The Interaction and relationships between students and teachers are very valuable in helping students be the best they can, both educationally and personally. Believe it or not, I still have some memories from my time as a kindergarten student. When I first started, I was not happy to be away from my family and in a strange place, but the teacher at the time helped me to feel comfortable throughout the year and grow to enjoy coming to school.
The school’s staff, volunteers, and students all work together to provide the best experience for each other that is both welcoming and friendly.
Overall, the Sathya Sai School has been a big part of my life and has helped me to be the person that I am today. The school continues to grow, adapt, and add value to the experience of being a student at the school, which can be seen through how they have adapted to the ongoing pandemic to ensure that all students get the best education and experience possible through hybrid learning. I am proud to say that I am an alumnus of the school and now an employee who has been a part of the school during the pandemic, and think that all students are lucky to have the environment that the Sathya Sai School provides.

Keshan Sritharan Bachelors of Law (LLB), Masters of Law (LLM)
The Sathya Sai School presented an excellent opportunity to gain a valuable education as well as to take part in significant character building experiences based upon the 5 Human Values and developing a respect for and understanding of various beliefs and faiths.
I commenced my education at the Sathya Sai School in September 2000 when I started attending the school as part of the initial batch of Junior Kindergarten students during the school’s inaugural year. I attended the Sathya Sai School until the end of Grade 6, which at the time was the highest grade offered at the school, with the Sathya Sai School having now expanded up to teaching Grade 8.
I have built lasting friendships with many of my peers from when I attended the Sathya Sai School, friendships which I feel were able to develop in the positive environment provided by the school and all the staff members and volunteers. I can recall teachers and staff members having been extremely supportive of students and going the extra mile to ensure that students were able to succeed, whether it be in the sense of education or in the development of character. The school has continued to grow and adapt since the time that I graduated in 2008 and continues to provide students with an excellent and safe learning environment where they can work towards their goals and build a strong foundation for not only their education, but also their character.
I have learned valuable life experiences from my time at the Sathya Sai School and have distinct memories of taking part in initiatives aimed at helping others such as the raising of money to help support the building of wells in Uganda, or attending the well known venue El Mocambo in Downtown Toronto as a field trip to assist in the making of sandwiches for the less fortunate.
I believe my experiences at the Sathya Sai School have had a lasting impact on who I am today, and how I treat others.
I am grateful for the experiences and fond memories I have from my time as a student at the Sathya Sai School, and I truly believe that I would not be the person I am today without having been able to be a student at the Sathya Sai School.