Facilities Usage
Applies To: Building Management Committee
Approved By: Building Manager
Date: TBD
Directors of the Sathya Sai School support use of the school building by members of the community when some school facilities are not being utilized for school activities. The school building is a convenient venue for business meetings, educational, spiritual, or any other meetings or activities that encourage the growth of our communities.
This Policy outlines the facilities and related agreement of terms and conditions that are available for “Users”, the type of “Users” who can use the facility, approval process for Usage, conduct of the “Users” terms & conditions and fees schedule.
Directors of the Sathya Sai School delegate the Facilities Manager of the Sathya Sai School to oversee and determine any and all matters related to use of the Sathya Sai School by private entities.
The following school Facilities may be available for the following activities:
The Gymnasium (approximate size 23.8m x 14.5m) for large meetings, entertainment programs, speeches, Basketball, training, and workshops. Maximum Capacity of the Gymnasium is 250 people
Mezzanine (approximately 10.0m x 10.0m) for meetings, exercise classes etc. Maximum Capacity is 30 people
Two Conference Rooms are available for meetings (approximately 7.3m x 7.3m). Maximum Capacity is 20 people
The Staff Room will be available if required for serving food; maximum capacity is 30 people
All Building Users will be required to do the following:
Please email info@sathyasaischool.ca with your request.
Have Insurance in place for Facility usage
Will be issued a Permit to use the Facilities, if all the conditions are met
The Facilities Manager maintains the right to determine which Category is applicable for any given User/Permit Holder.